Why are gasoline prices so high? It’s quite simple, actually. Never mind the unrest happening on the other side of the world. There’s no real competition at the pump right here in America. Big Oil effectively holds a monopoly on transportation fuel – from sea to shining sea. Not a traditional one, mind you, but a monopoly all the same. If you want to pass go, you’ll have to fork over $200 to fill your tank … to one of the usual suspects.
Now that’s not to say there’s a total lack of competition. But you’d be hard-pressed to find an alternative to conventional gasoline sitting across the street from the vast majority of service stations in America today (with some notable exceptions). If you want to drive without gasoline, you’ll need to do a little legwork.
The good news is that there are at least half a dozen viable alternatives that work today. These fuels are readily available across the country, but you might need to do a little digging to find a local source. Some fuels are better suited to certain geographical locations and climates. Some fuels are simply inappropriate in specific locations. But some fuels are remarkably inexpensive for the industrious …
Six ready-to-go alternative transportation fuels:
- Electricity
- Biodiesel
- Propane
- Ethanol
- Reclaimed Vegetable Oil