Make no mistake about it. We do car reviews differently at Our fuel economy focused mileage reviews deliver a unique perspective by consistently testing each vehicle with a light-footed driving style. Over time, our mileage review testing procedure has evolved to include a specific highway circuit. We don’t test in a lab or on a closed course. Our highway miles are rolled up in the real world, on a forty mile loop of Interstate highway that includes a good number of grade changes and variable traffic conditions. Each vehicle runs a minimum of two loops on the highway circuit.
Cash For Clunkers: The Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save (CARS) Act
With domestic auto sales in the midst of the worst slump in decades, some folks in Washington are aiming to clear the massive backlog of unsold new cars and trucks with more Monopoly money. Representative Betty Sutton (D-OH) has introduced the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save (CARS) Act, which rewards new car buyers with … Read more